
  • No.


  • Asset Title

    Mephrin inhibitor_Fibrosis, AKI

  • Organization

    Fraunhofer IZI

  • Product Type

    Small molecule

  • Therapeutic Area


  • Development Stage

    Target Identification or Validation

  • Technical Summary

    Meprin is involved in cytokine activation and procollagen/collagen cleavage and meprin β is highly expressed in kidney epithelial cells
    Relocalization of meprin β after toxic trigger brings the enzyme in contact with a number of substrates 
    Meprin KO mice are less susceptible to AKI and meprin inhibitors were able to reduce kidney injury in vivo to some extent.


    MWT-270 is selective meprin β inhibitor and showed efficacy in an AKI animal model

  • Patent

    KR 10-2018-0135002 A

  • Publication

  • Attachment