
  • No.


  • Asset Title

    Enhancing Antibody Agonism_Cancer

  • Organization


  • Product Type

    Small molecule

  • Therapeutic Area


  • Development Stage

    Target Identification or Validation

  • Technical Summary

    Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that stimulate anticancer immune responses are proving increasingly effective in cancer treatment, with growing evidence that such responses can be harnessed to provide durable eradication of tumours.
    This versatile and patented technology provides the exciting opportunity to engineer clinical reagents with defined, tuneable therapeutic activity regardless of FcɣR expression levels in the local microenvironment.
    Through a combination of in vitro and in vivo approaches, it has been shown that the human IgG2 hinge and CH1 domains impart FcɣR-independent agonistic activity to immunostimulatory mAbs that bind to -CD40 and that this might also apply to other specificities.


    Activity is provided by a structurally constrained isoform of hIgG2 due to its unique arrangement of disulfide bonds which confers distinct agonistic (or super agonistic) properties to the mAb.

  • Patent


  • Publication

  • Attachment