
  • No.


  • Asset Title

    MicroRNA-based Therapeutic for NASH

  • Organization

    Yale University

  • Product Type


  • Therapeutic Area

    Metabolic disease

  • Development Stage

    Hit To Lead or Lead Optimization

  • Technical Summary

    Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) market across the 7MM* is set to grow from $138.4M in 2016 to $18.3bn in 2026. NAFLD is expected to become the most common chronic liver condition globally in relation to the obesity. The healthcare costs associated with NASH could rise up to USD 18 billion by 2030. We have developed a novel miR-TA1 inhibitor that protects against atherosclerosis and steatosis in the mice. Recent studies show that MicroRNAs contribute to pathogenesis of NAFLD/NASH at various levels of disease development and progression.

  • Researcher

  • Patent

  • Publication

  • Attachment