
  • No.


  • Asset Title

    Engineered Fibroblasts as Cell Therapy to Treat Cancer via Tumor Stroma Stabilization

  • Organization

    Johns Hopkins University

  • Product Type

    Gene therapy

  • Therapeutic Area


  • Development Stage

    Hit To Lead or Lead Optimization

  • Technical Summary

    • Genetically engineered fibroblasts that are directed to hinder CAF induction into cancer cells to slow cancer recurrence when implanted into cancer-affected tissue. 

    •  It is known cancer cells secrete cytokines inducing normal fibroblasts (NFs) to become carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs). However, it is not clear how the CAF-promoting cytokines can effectively navigate the dense ECM, a diffusion barrier, in the tumor microenvironment to reach NFs during the early stages of cancer development. 

    • Inventors have developed genetically engineered fibroblasts, called “Stabilization against Remodeling” (STAR), as a novel advanced cell therapy to be applied following surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy. 

    • Specifically, STAR fibroblasts deliver cross-linking molecules to stabilize extracellular matrix where the primary tumor was to inhibit the diffusion of soluble tumor-promoting factors secreted by residual cancer cells. As demonstrated by in-vitro studies, extracellular matrix stabilization are effective to and prevent carcinoma and stop tumor progression.  

  • Patent


  • Publication

    Force-dependent extracellular matrix remodeling by early-stage cancer cells alters diffusion and induces carcinoma-associated fibroblasts. Biomaterials, (2020)

  • Attachment