
  • No.


  • Asset Title

    Nanoparticle-hydrogel Composite for Nucleic Acid Molecule Delivery

  • Organization


  • Product Type


  • Therapeutic Area


  • Development Stage


  • Technical Summary

    Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer covering anatomic surfaces (e.g. lining of the lungs, heart, abdomen, etc.) that resists multi-modality therapies. Regional recurrence of mesothelioma from residual tumor cells prevents long-term benefits after surgical resection. Furthermore, there is no clinical consensus on intracavitary adjuvants that are effective in extending the tumor reduction effect of surgery
    A new technology developed which fulfills this unmet clinical need by providing a local regional therapeutic platform to shuttle cancer-specific microRNA, thereby circumventing systemic administration challenges
    Nanoparticles comprised of microRNA bound to disordered peptides that are embedded in a hydrogel engineered from self-assembling β-hairpin peptides
    After administration of a single application, this hydrogel composite produced a durable pre-clinical response in multiple xenograft cancer models


    In principle, this localized regional treatment strategy could be applied to other surface cancers

  • Patent


  • Publication

  • Attachment