
  • No.


  • Asset Title

    Genetic Mutation in Immune Cells for Infectious Disease and Cancer Therapy

  • Organization

    Emory University

  • Product Type

    Cell therapy

  • Therapeutic Area


  • Development Stage

    Hit To Lead or Lead Optimization

  • Technical Summary

    • Once Deleting, changing, or inserting nucleotides within the DNMT3A gene in human CD8 T cells, the DNMT3TA gene product does not function for methylation. 

    • Modification of the DNMT3A gene provides an improvement in antigen-specific T cells functions and/or an enhancement of the longevity of the cell. 

    • Conditional deletion of the de novo methyltransferase Dnmt3a at an early stage of effector differentiation resulted in reduced methylation and faster re-expression of naive-associated genes, thereby accelerating the development of memory cells. 

    • Longitudinal phenotypic and epigenetic characterization of the memory-precursor effector subset of virus-specific CD8 T cells transferred into antigen-free mice revealed that differentiation to memory cells was coupled to erasure of de novo methylation programs and re-expression of naïve associated genes. 

    • Epigenetic repression of naive-associated genes in effector CD8 T cells can be reversed in cells that develop into long-lived memory CD8 T cells while key effector genes remain demethylated, demonstrating that memory T cells arise from a subset of fatepermissive effector T cells.  

  • Patent


  • Publication

    Effector CD8 T cells dedifferentiate into long-lived memory cells. Nature, (2017)

  • Attachment